
Showing posts from November, 2011

Blog Tour Day 4 & I Won A Contest!

4th Day of the Married To Murder Blog Tour - isn't it exciting? Today I can be found at Cecilia Robert's Written Word Blog . She also wrote a great review of Married To Murder . Well, I happen to think it's great. I love it, in fact! I won a 'stupidest business idea' contest on the Car Johnson Blog ! Whew - a big day.

'Married To Murder' Blog Tour Day 3: Divine Chaos Writer's Creative Set Up

Day Three of the Married To Murder Blog Tour - at Emily Mayhem's Blog Divine Chaos . My creative writer's set up - including dream set up! Come check it out & let me know what you think... What's your ideal office set up to write or get work done?

'Married To Murder' Blog Tour - Day 2 - Fiction Brigade

It's the second day of the Married To Murder  Blog Tour! Today's stop is at the Fiction Brigade  c/o Sabrina Ricci Topic/Title: You Never Know What’ll Come Out Of NaNoWriMo Hint: Come check it out!

Blog Tour, Birthdays & Anniversaries - Oh My!

My first Married To Murder Blog Tour stop is at Fiction With A Purpose , Brenda Youngerman's Blog. She interviewed me and posted a review of Married To Murder . It's so exciting! It's also my grandma's birthday today. Happy Birthday, Grandma! I love you!! And it's the 6 month anniversary of my sister's wedding. They've been married for 6 months now - it's incredible!! (I don't mean it's incredible in a if-they-were-a-celebrity-couple-that-would-be-ancient, just a she's-my-sister-and-we-used-to-jam-Barbie's-in-the-Batmobile-and-play-with-Leggo's-and-now-she-has-a-husband kind of way.) Congratulations, guys! Here's to another 80 years!! UPDATE: Oh, and I'm a NaNoWriMo winner again this year!

'Married To Murder' Blog Tour - Jennifer Oberth

Married To Murder Blog Tour Schedule : November 26, 2011, Saturday - 4PM PST/6PM CST/7PM ET The Incessant Droning of a Bored Writer / John Hansen -  Twitterview This is a LIVE interview via Twitter . It's my first one and frankly, I'm a little nervous! I have to answer interview questions live in 140 characters or less. I wonder how I'll do... Come check it out. Search for #incessant to follow the interview and ask questions at the end! (It should last about a half an hour.) Wish me luck! *Fingers crossed* November 27, 2011, Sunday Fiction With A Purpose / Brenda Youngerman  -  Interview + Review November 28, 2011, Monday Fiction Brigade / Sabrina Ricci - Guest Post Topic/Title: You Never Know What’ll Come Out Of NaNoWriMo November 29, 2011, Tuesday Divine Chaos / EmilyMayhem - Guest Post Topic/Title: Creative Writing SetUp Questions November 30, 2011, Wednesday Cecilia Robert’s Written Word / Cecilia -  Review + Guest Post December 1, 201...

Wordless Wednesday - Forensics University 2007


Books & Things Thursday - Maria Zannini Interrogation, Uh, Interview

Maria Zannini is wanted for questioning in the case of the Disappearing Fiction Writer. Her husband, Greg was the first witness we brought in for questioning. Q. How often do you see your wife? Is it true she doesn’t write when you’re at home? A. I see her a couple of times a month. And yes, when I’m home she spends most of her time with me unless she has a deadline to meet. If you don’t hear from her in her usual social circles, she’s either working—or putting me to work. Q What is it we keep hearing about her nonfiction work? Why has this cropped up all of a sudden?  A. It’s not really all of a sudden. I’ve been nagging her for YEARS to write nonfiction rather than fiction. She’s really good at it too. Years ago she wrote for a national magazine about rheas and emu. We got letters from all over the world wanting her to tell them more. I was never happy she got interested in fiction. That’s like the most thankless job in the world. Q. Maria writes an awful lot ...

Wordless Wednesday - Travel Signs


Books & Things Thursday - NaNoWriMo

Hi everybody, Between work and NaNoWriMo , I've been falling behind in my online duties and haven't been e-mailing, blogging, facebooking, tweeting or any of the other 'ing'ing there is to do around here. And missing visiting YOUR blogs and commenting! I'm doing great with NaNoWriMo 'ing, though. Even though I didn't write one word on Tuesday or Wednesday, I'm still ahead of the game with well over 20,000 words. At 1,667 words a day (to reach 50,000 words by Nov. 30), I'd only have to be at 16,667 by the end of today and, as I said, I'm well over that. And I'm about to hit the books for another three hours. As well as do the dishes, take out the trash, deal with the kitty-cleaning and so on and so forth. Cool updates : Next Thursday, I have an Interrogation, uh, I mean, of course, an Interview with author Maria Zannini . (It's a fun post, be sure to check it out!) On Thursday, December 1, I've got guest blogger Feliza Ca...

Wordless Wednesday - WPA Jail Searches

Sgt. Catherine Netter

Wordless Wednesday - Chilling with my NaNoWriMo Winner Cert from last year
