Books & Things Thursday - NaNoWriMo
Hi everybody,
Between work and NaNoWriMo, I've been falling behind in my online duties and haven't been e-mailing, blogging, facebooking, tweeting or any of the other 'ing'ing there is to do around here. And missing visiting YOUR blogs and commenting!
I'm doing great with NaNoWriMo'ing, though. Even though I didn't write one word on Tuesday or Wednesday, I'm still ahead of the game with well over 20,000 words.
At 1,667 words a day (to reach 50,000 words by Nov. 30), I'd only have to be at 16,667 by the end of today and, as I said, I'm well over that.
And I'm about to hit the books for another three hours. As well as do the dishes, take out the trash, deal with the kitty-cleaning and so on and so forth.
Cool updates:
Next Thursday, I have an Interrogation, uh, I mean, of course, an Interview with author Maria Zannini. (It's a fun post, be sure to check it out!)
On Thursday, December 1, I've got guest blogger Feliza Casano. She'll be telling us about the benefit to authors of social media.
Fun stuff coming up! Keep checking back.
I've got more to tell you about the Writer's Police Academy but haven't the time to do justice to the posts so you'll have to wait a bit on that. I'm still posting pics related to the WPA on Wordless Wednesdays.
I've got a Blog Tour coming up, too! I can't wait for that. I don't have the details yet but it should start later this month. (If you're interested in hosting me and being a part of the Blog Tour, let me know and I can add you, too.) John Hansen is organizing it for me and he is great! Check out his blog, The Incessant Droning of a Bored Writer. It's fun and cool.
Okay, the NaNo Gods are cracking the whip so I gotta go! (Wish me luck!!!!)
Between work and NaNoWriMo, I've been falling behind in my online duties and haven't been e-mailing, blogging, facebooking, tweeting or any of the other 'ing'ing there is to do around here. And missing visiting YOUR blogs and commenting!
I'm doing great with NaNoWriMo'ing, though. Even though I didn't write one word on Tuesday or Wednesday, I'm still ahead of the game with well over 20,000 words.
At 1,667 words a day (to reach 50,000 words by Nov. 30), I'd only have to be at 16,667 by the end of today and, as I said, I'm well over that.
And I'm about to hit the books for another three hours. As well as do the dishes, take out the trash, deal with the kitty-cleaning and so on and so forth.
Cool updates:
Next Thursday, I have an Interrogation, uh, I mean, of course, an Interview with author Maria Zannini. (It's a fun post, be sure to check it out!)
On Thursday, December 1, I've got guest blogger Feliza Casano. She'll be telling us about the benefit to authors of social media.
Fun stuff coming up! Keep checking back.
I've got more to tell you about the Writer's Police Academy but haven't the time to do justice to the posts so you'll have to wait a bit on that. I'm still posting pics related to the WPA on Wordless Wednesdays.
I've got a Blog Tour coming up, too! I can't wait for that. I don't have the details yet but it should start later this month. (If you're interested in hosting me and being a part of the Blog Tour, let me know and I can add you, too.) John Hansen is organizing it for me and he is great! Check out his blog, The Incessant Droning of a Bored Writer. It's fun and cool.
Okay, the NaNo Gods are cracking the whip so I gotta go! (Wish me luck!!!!)