
Showing posts from 2011

Reading Challenge - Men In Uniform

2012 Men In Uniform Hosted by The Book Vixen Details: Runs January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012 (books read prior to 1/1/12 do not count towards the challenge). You can join at anytime. Sign up on The Book Vixen’s blog . The goal is to read as many novels that feature men in uniform as you’d like . It can be a policeman, firefighter, paramedic, doctor, veterinarian, Army, Navy, Marine Corp., etc. – As long as the leading man wears some sort of uniform, it counts. See the different levels below and pick the one that works best for you. Nothing is set in stone; you can change levels at any time during the challenge. Books can be any format (bound, eBook, audio). Re-reads and crossovers from other reading challenges are allowed. Go to The Book Vixen and grab the reading challenge button and post this reading challenge on your blog to track your progress. Please include a link back to this sign-up post so others can join the reading challenge too. You do not have to be a book blogg...

Wordless Wednesday - Kitty Caves


Last Day of the 'Married To Murder' Blog tour - Finding Your Gibbee Blog

Today marks the last day of the Married To Murder Blog Tour and I'm delighted to end it with the review on Finding Your Gibbee 's Blog.

Day 14 of the 'Married To Murder' Blog Tour - Silver's Reviews

I'm guest-posting today at Elizabeth's Silver Reviews Blog  for the 14th day of the Married To Murder Blog Tour. I talk about how CHARACTERS inspire me to write. Check it out!

Day 13 of the 'Married To Murder' Blog Tour - Musings & Marvels

Day 13 of the Married To Murder Blog Tour - Sabrina Ricci at Musings & Marvels reviewed Married To Murder . Check it out!

Day 12 of the 'Married To Murder' Blog Tour - Ellie Oberth Dead Herring Blog - The Ella Westin Poem

Day 12 of the Married To Murder Blog Tour. Today I'm at my Mom's Blog (Ellie Oberth), Dead Herring . I've written the Ella Westin Poem - go read it!!

Book Lover's Holiday Giveaway Hop Winners!!

Yes, you read that right. I said winners. I loved the excitment in the Blog Hop and comments so I made an executive decision and pulled two winners out of the hat. And those winners are *drumroll* Yvonne & Laurie. Congratulations, girls! I hope you enjoy reading  Married To Murder as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Day 11 on the 'Married To Murder' Blog Tour - Emily Mayhem Divine Chaos

Hi all, It's the 11th day of the Blog Tour - whew! The lovely Emily Mayhem, of the Divine Chaos Blog , wrote up a great review of Married To Murder . Check it out! And thank you, Emily!

Day 10 of the 'Married To Murder' Blog Tour - Ella Westin Interview with John Hansen

Somehow, I wrangled Ella Westin into an interview. She is the main character of Married To Murder and wasn't very happy about the arrangement but you can read all about it on John Hansen's Blog, The Incessant Droning of a Bored Writer . I, myself, find it hilarious!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget - today is the last day to enter the Book Lover's Holiday Giveaway Hop . Enter for your chance to win a copy of Married To Murder !

Day 9 of the 'Married To Murder' Blog Tour - Kris Wampler's Blog

Hi everybody, Today, I'm at Kris Wampler's Blog . He's the author of Love Train . (The reviews look great on Amazon!) I talk about what it's like to be a self-published author. Check it out!

Day 8 of the 'Married To Murder' Blog Tour - Interview wtih Lyndi Alexander

Today I can be found here: Clan Elves of The Bitter Root / Lyndi Alexander - Interview It was a lot of fun! And don't forget about: Click to enter the Blog Lover's Holiday Giveaway Hop for your chance to win a copy of Married To Murder (or Honeymoon Homicide or Toxic Train ).

Day 7 'Married To Murder' Blog Tour - Mommy's Reading Too

Wow - it's been so busy lately! And lucky around here!! Today is the 7th day of the Married To Murder Blog Tour and I can be found at Mommy's Reading Too by Jennifer Alexander. She did a wonderful review of Married To Murder ! I also wrote a guest post about how characters inspire me to write. I've had so much fun with everyone on this Blog Tour - and there's still more to come: Day 6 CyndiaRios-Myers' Blog - Interview Day 5 Feliza Casano's Blog - Guest Post Day 4 Cecilia Robert’s Written Word / Cecilia - Review + Guest Post Day 3 Divine Chaos / EmilyMayhem - Guest Post Day 2 Fiction Brigade /Sabrina Ricci - Guest Post Day 1 Fiction With A Purpose / Brenda Youngerman - Interview + Review Don't forget to enter the Blog Lover's Holiday Giveaway Hop for your chance to win a copy of Married To Murder (or Honeymoon Homicide or Toxic Train ). Not only did I win this contest on Car Johnson's hilarious Blog, but I won an Amazon g...

Book Lover's Holiday Giveaway Hop - Enter To Win!

Check out the  Book Lover's Holiday Giveaway Hop . The winner will receive Married To Murder (e-book). If you've bought Married To Murder - you're awesome and will instead, receive Honeymoon Homicide . If you've bought both, you're super awesome and will receive Toxic Train when it comes out. To enter the giveaway just leave a comment with a way for me to contact you via e-mail for notification if you are the winner. (A link to your Blog with e-mail in your profile is fine.) If you do not leave a way for me to contact you, you are disqualified and another winner will be selected. Extra entries: 1.) Become a follower of my Blog 2.) Like my Facebook Book Page 3.) Become a Twitter follower If you already did any of the above, leave that info in the comment and you'll receive the extra entry/entries. The contest starts December 2 and ends on December 6, 2011, 11:59 PM CST. Winner to be announced on December 7, 2011. Good luck to you all and happy...

Books & Things Thursday - Feliza Casano 'Social Media Networking for Writers'

Today's Guest Post is by Feliza Casano and she's going to tell us about using social media as a benefit to writers. Welcome Feliza!! Photo by Nick Kneer Social Media Networking for Writers There are lots of ways to promote your work when you get published. In our current market, staying connected to your readers can be incredibly important! Here, we’ll discuss social networking, which can really change your writing platform and your audience in a number of ways. Facebook Pages One way to really kick-start your readership, especially if you’re published in small or online presses, is to create a Facebook Page. Using the Facebook Pages application is a great way for any writers to put themselves out in the public light. You can use the application to share content and news updates, especially when you are getting published in online sources. It’s also a great way to build a community with your friends and fans. Another great aspect is that many, many publisher...

Blog Tour Day 4 & I Won A Contest!

4th Day of the Married To Murder Blog Tour - isn't it exciting? Today I can be found at Cecilia Robert's Written Word Blog . She also wrote a great review of Married To Murder . Well, I happen to think it's great. I love it, in fact! I won a 'stupidest business idea' contest on the Car Johnson Blog ! Whew - a big day.

'Married To Murder' Blog Tour Day 3: Divine Chaos Writer's Creative Set Up

Day Three of the Married To Murder Blog Tour - at Emily Mayhem's Blog Divine Chaos . My creative writer's set up - including dream set up! Come check it out & let me know what you think... What's your ideal office set up to write or get work done?

'Married To Murder' Blog Tour - Day 2 - Fiction Brigade

It's the second day of the Married To Murder  Blog Tour! Today's stop is at the Fiction Brigade  c/o Sabrina Ricci Topic/Title: You Never Know What’ll Come Out Of NaNoWriMo Hint: Come check it out!

Blog Tour, Birthdays & Anniversaries - Oh My!

My first Married To Murder Blog Tour stop is at Fiction With A Purpose , Brenda Youngerman's Blog. She interviewed me and posted a review of Married To Murder . It's so exciting! It's also my grandma's birthday today. Happy Birthday, Grandma! I love you!! And it's the 6 month anniversary of my sister's wedding. They've been married for 6 months now - it's incredible!! (I don't mean it's incredible in a if-they-were-a-celebrity-couple-that-would-be-ancient, just a she's-my-sister-and-we-used-to-jam-Barbie's-in-the-Batmobile-and-play-with-Leggo's-and-now-she-has-a-husband kind of way.) Congratulations, guys! Here's to another 80 years!! UPDATE: Oh, and I'm a NaNoWriMo winner again this year!

'Married To Murder' Blog Tour - Jennifer Oberth

Married To Murder Blog Tour Schedule : November 26, 2011, Saturday - 4PM PST/6PM CST/7PM ET The Incessant Droning of a Bored Writer / John Hansen -  Twitterview This is a LIVE interview via Twitter . It's my first one and frankly, I'm a little nervous! I have to answer interview questions live in 140 characters or less. I wonder how I'll do... Come check it out. Search for #incessant to follow the interview and ask questions at the end! (It should last about a half an hour.) Wish me luck! *Fingers crossed* November 27, 2011, Sunday Fiction With A Purpose / Brenda Youngerman  -  Interview + Review November 28, 2011, Monday Fiction Brigade / Sabrina Ricci - Guest Post Topic/Title: You Never Know What’ll Come Out Of NaNoWriMo November 29, 2011, Tuesday Divine Chaos / EmilyMayhem - Guest Post Topic/Title: Creative Writing SetUp Questions November 30, 2011, Wednesday Cecilia Robert’s Written Word / Cecilia -  Review + Guest Post December 1, 201...

Wordless Wednesday - Forensics University 2007


Books & Things Thursday - Maria Zannini Interrogation, Uh, Interview

Maria Zannini is wanted for questioning in the case of the Disappearing Fiction Writer. Her husband, Greg was the first witness we brought in for questioning. Q. How often do you see your wife? Is it true she doesn’t write when you’re at home? A. I see her a couple of times a month. And yes, when I’m home she spends most of her time with me unless she has a deadline to meet. If you don’t hear from her in her usual social circles, she’s either working—or putting me to work. Q What is it we keep hearing about her nonfiction work? Why has this cropped up all of a sudden?  A. It’s not really all of a sudden. I’ve been nagging her for YEARS to write nonfiction rather than fiction. She’s really good at it too. Years ago she wrote for a national magazine about rheas and emu. We got letters from all over the world wanting her to tell them more. I was never happy she got interested in fiction. That’s like the most thankless job in the world. Q. Maria writes an awful lot ...

Wordless Wednesday - Travel Signs


Books & Things Thursday - NaNoWriMo

Hi everybody, Between work and NaNoWriMo , I've been falling behind in my online duties and haven't been e-mailing, blogging, facebooking, tweeting or any of the other 'ing'ing there is to do around here. And missing visiting YOUR blogs and commenting! I'm doing great with NaNoWriMo 'ing, though. Even though I didn't write one word on Tuesday or Wednesday, I'm still ahead of the game with well over 20,000 words. At 1,667 words a day (to reach 50,000 words by Nov. 30), I'd only have to be at 16,667 by the end of today and, as I said, I'm well over that. And I'm about to hit the books for another three hours. As well as do the dishes, take out the trash, deal with the kitty-cleaning and so on and so forth. Cool updates : Next Thursday, I have an Interrogation, uh, I mean, of course, an Interview with author Maria Zannini . (It's a fun post, be sure to check it out!) On Thursday, December 1, I've got guest blogger Feliza Ca...

Wordless Wednesday - WPA Jail Searches

Sgt. Catherine Netter

Wordless Wednesday - Chilling with my NaNoWriMo Winner Cert from last year


Monday Misc. Happy Halloween Meme!!

Susan McBride, over at the Stiletto Gang Blog started this fun meme. I answered the questions below and would love to read yours. Comment or leave a link to your Blog and I'll check them out!   (1)   What's your favorite Halloween costume ever? The Stegosaurus, my favorite dinosaur. When I was...I think seven, my Mom made me this wonderful Stegosaurus costume, head to toe. You know how it is when you're seven and Mom's know everything and can do anything? Well, this costume was so ambitious that she needed help from HER mom. (Grandma being the supermom, of course because when you're seven and your mom goes to her mom it's amazing.) I won best costume in that dinosaur suit. Favorite. Costume. Ever. (2)   What's your favorite Halloween candy (or other treat)? Chocolate. Just plain ol' chocolate. (3)   Name the scariest book you've ever read? Oh my gosh. Nothing comes to mind. I read mysteries not horror so I avoid the being scared... (4)   Who...

Baker Street Saturday - Lessons From Sherlock Holmes

There's a great article by Maria Konnikova  entitled Lessons From Sherlock Holmes: Don't Tangle Two Lines of Thought . It's wonderful for mystery readers (and authors to understand how readers think) yet so simple and natural. It states we should not include too many facts in our chain of logical thinking because, while related, they don't all lead to the correct conclusion. The trick, for a mystery reader of course, is to determine which facts are relevant and which ones are red herrings. Maybe that's why we love Sherlock Holmes as much as we do, for over a hundred years. We try to pick out the useful facts, dismiss the unimportant ones and solve the case before Holmes. (This happened to me only once, I'm proud and annoyed to say.) Perhaps this is the real reason original Holmes smoked so much; not addiction to tobacco but something to do while he sits for hours and just thinks. I, for one, prefer tea. Or hot chocolate if the sweet tooth is acting up. ...

Wordless Wednesday - Happy Halloween


In Case You Missed It - Co-Guest Blogged at Lee Lofland's, The Graveyard Shift

Just in case you missed it - my Mom (Ellie Oberth) and I co-guest blogged at Lee Lofland's Blog, The Graveyard Shift . We  summed up the Writer's Police Academy - a cool, unique, atypical, not-to-be-missed convention for writer's - as best we could. From arson to an instructor field-stripping his gun in the hallway, this convention wasn't ABOUT topics. We didn't take notes about how hot a fire gets (well, some of us did) but we FELT how hot it gets. (No, I didn't get to pour any gasoline but I did get to shoot a Glock.) Check it out - and come along next year!

Monday Misc - 'Chain of Souls' by Maria Zannini

Maria Zannini's second book, in the Second Chances Series ,   Chain of Souls  is available! ($2.99) I haven't read this series yet (I'm more of a cozy mystery fan) but I checked out a sample of her writing and was impressed. If paranormal romances are your thing - check her out! (If you go to Smashwords , you can view 20% for free .) You can buy Chain of Souls at: Smashwords  (This is a great site because it doesn't matter what eReader you have, you can buy the book and download it. Kindle, Nook, Sony eReader and so on. You don't even need an eReader, you can read it from your computer screen!) Amazon Barnes and Noble  (There is a review you can check out.) Maria's description: "Banished from Heaven for refusing to harvest an unwilling soul, Liam Chase drinks to forget until the night he is visited by the Angel of Death. For the price of a few humans souls, she promises to get him reinstated into Heaven. A monstrous crime. If he refuses, the l...

The Graveyard Shift - Lee Lofland's Blog

Tomorrow, I'm co-guest blogging on Lee Lofland's Blog , The Graveyard Shift , with my Mom, Ellie Oberth. We'll be summing up the ultra-cool Writer's Police Academy that took place last month in North Carolina. Don't miss it!

Books & Things Thursday - Golden Donut Contest Entry

Hi everyone, Check out my Mom's (Ellie Oberth) entry to the Golden Donut Contest. It won a spot in the top ten finalists and I'm very proud. It's a 200 word mystery - including the title - based on the picture the Writer's Police Academy provided (see below). BURIED SECRETS I say it's perfect for this Halloweenish time of year - tell her what you think!!

Wordless Wednesday - Anatomy of a Fire

I uploaded a video of the fire to YouTube - it's really cool.