This is a cool weekly meme from Story Time With Tonya . 1. Grab the book nearest you right now. 2. Turn to page 56. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like). 5. Post a link with your post to Storytime with Tonya and Friends. And remember - no spoilers. We want to share books and suggest books - not spoil books! "It's a whole rigamarole. First, I gotta notify my supervisor, Captain Sasso, how I lost my ID, and you know that's gonna turn into a mud fight." Yikes - that's look pretty bad for a cop. Me? I lose my license every few months but then, I'm a madcap writer, not a copper! Awwww...I got his autograph, I think in 2008. So glad I did.