Review of Die Buying by Laura DiSilverio

Die Buying (A Mall Cop Mystery, #1)Die Buying by Laura DiSilverio

Die Buying is the first of the ‘Mall Cop Mysteries’ and the cover has a picture of a Segway in a mall. As a lover of ‘cozy’’ mysteries, I thought this set up would make for a fun read and it did. EJ Ferris is the main character, an injured war vet who just wants to be a cop but can only get a job as a mall cop. Various people delight in reminding her of her duties which include giving mall patrons directions and watching the security cameras, not investigating the murder of an unpopular local businessman she found nude in a display window.

I liked the book but for me, it went a little slow in the middle. EJ kept thinking about the murder and tried to put the pieces together but with no real movement until we got to the end. I liked the humor, I LOVED the grandpa and other interesting characters EJ is surrounded by. (I adored EJ’s view of her cat!)

As an animal lover, I was nervous how the book started with a reptile escape and hoped the author wouldn’t disregard or harm those animals in the course of the book – she doesn’t so don’t worry about that.

I’m interested in the second book to see how the author handles the now-established characters and setting. I found EJ to be believable and strong and I never felt sorry for her - though I did feel for her - despite her injured condition. That’s a fine line the author treaded beautifully.

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