Monday Musings - Picture Books

Thanks for Rebecca's blog 'Just One More Page' for Monday Musings...

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about picture books.
Do you have a favourite picture book, either from your own childhood, or reading to you children?

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your opinion in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks.

I remember picture books better from babysitting than my own childhood. (I was reading Agatha Christie in grammar school, of course.) I babysat a four year old who always corrected me if I skipped a word - I thought she could read. The mom laughed so hard - the little girl had memorized every book! She'd make you point at the words as you read them.

I don't remember specific titles...

I do remember a lion over a blue background and he was down in the dumps (I think this made up the title). I used to read it as a child over and over when I went to my grandparents house. (They've since given it to me!)

I loved it because this guy (this lion) was down in the dumps and I learned that meant he was sad and everyone tried to cheer him up but he just wanted to be sad.

It taught me that everyone gets "down in the dumps" and it's okay. It's a natural human event and you'll get over it and if people are bugging you when you feel miserable - it's only because they care.

So I guess that's my favorite in the sense it's the only one I can recall impacting me.

I think it's called, 'Lionel is Down in the Dumps'...

Edit - Here is the picture of the book.

'Lion is Down in the Dumps'.
I must have gotten 'Lionel' from Thundercats.

He looks so sad!