Friday 56 - Murder of Roger Ackroyd

This is a cool weekly meme from Story Time With Tonya.
1. Grab the book nearest you right now.
2. Turn to page 56.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like).
5. Post a link with your post to Storytime with Tonya and Friends.
And remember - no spoilers. We want to share books and suggest books - not spoil books!
"Oh!" I said suddenly.
"What is it doctor?"
"I met a man this evening - just as I was turning out the gate."
Cool, huh? Right in the middle of an interview to collect evidence?
Perfect 56!!
Jennifer Oberth's Overview:
Agatha Christie's done it again! She's brilliant. I love her books. I prefer character-heavy, character-driven books and Agatha Christie provides neither but her plots are so well written I don't miss anything.
This particular entry is the first Hercule Poirot. The way he is introduced to us is priceless. (You'll have to read the book, or reread if you don't remember, `cause I'm not telling you!)
Clues are there as you go along and you see some, not others. The minute you form an opinion, something knocks you in another direction.
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is suspenseful, driven and brilliant.
Agatha Christie's done it again! She's brilliant. I love her books. I prefer character-heavy, character-driven books and Agatha Christie provides neither but her plots are so well written I don't miss anything.
This particular entry is the first Hercule Poirot. The way he is introduced to us is priceless. (You'll have to read the book, or reread if you don't remember, `cause I'm not telling you!)
Clues are there as you go along and you see some, not others. The minute you form an opinion, something knocks you in another direction.
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is suspenseful, driven and brilliant.